The Progressive Truth

Monday, January 22, 2007

Jan. 22 Declared "Blue Monday"

War got you down? Upset that the Pats choked away the AFC championship game last night? Perhaps you have a case of the Mondays? Well, it could be all that plus least for today, January 22.

A psychologist at Cardiff University has declared Jan. 22 "Blue Monday". Dr. Cliff Arnall derived a mathematical formula that shows how the confluence of post-Christmas fatigue, holiday bills, bad weather and failed resolutions can make people depressed.

The formula is: 1/8W+(D-d)3/8xTQMxNA.
The factors are W for weather, D for debt from Christmas bills, d for monthly salary, T for time since Christmas. Q is the failure to keep a resolution or quit a bad habit, M stands for motivation and NA is the need to take action.